Preservation and safeguarding of the environment

Oil-eating bacteria

The natural bacteria to eliminate hydrocarbons

Oil has been part of life on earth for millions of years.
In nature, exist microorganisms that have the capacity to degrade hydrocarbons.

These bacteria are capable of metabolizing the hydrocarbon molecules. It decomposes and reduces them to harmless basic compounds for the ecosystem.
This is how nature protects itself from the natural leaks of hydrocarbons that emerge from different environments.

Pseudomona Putida with 500nm microscope

What is it

Bioremediation is the decontamination process that, using these microorganisms, accelerates that natural and irreversible process, in places where contamination is really high.

Among these microorganisms there is the pseudomona putida, one of the main bacteria of the preparation Biopulcher Petreololítico. This bacterium is able to completely degrade every kind of hydrocarbons and their derivatives including fuel, gasoline and diesel, among others.

The bacteria decompose the hydrocarbon transforming them basically in CO2, H2O and organic waste. Once its source of food (hydrocarbon) is finished, the area is decontaminated, the bacteria die and they are integrated back into the natural cycle as a protein food for other living organisms.

Bioremediation is able to decontaminate large surfaces in a very short time. In some cases, it can be used, end to end, as the only decontamination method and, in others, could complement traditional methods of absorption, collection and extraction.

Above all, Bioremediation represents the final and definitive solution in any hydrocarbon decontamination process.
After Bioremediation there can only exist more Bioremediation.

The cycle of Bioremediation

REMEDIATION: Solve a problem

BIO-REMEDIATION: Use biological organism to solve a problem

How does it work



Samples of the area contaminated by hydrocarbons are collected throughout all the Bioremediation process.



The lyophilized bacteria are poured into containers filled with water, nutrients and hydrocarbons from the contaminated area. The fermentation process lasts between 4 and 6 hours. The bacteria are activated and they reproduced until reach the optimal moment, which is when they are applied.



Once prepared, the bacterial inoculum is applied on the contaminated surface and the bacteria start to work.



In a few hours (depending on the type of hydrocarbon) the Biopulcher preparation breaks down the hydrocarbon molecules.


The stain begins to disappear; the bacteria no longer find hydrocarbons “to feed”, they die and return to the circle of the environment in a natural way. The sea returns to the state prior to pollution. The ecosystem is safe.

Bioremediation benefits


Bioremediation could be applied to any accidental spillage of hydrocarbons and their derivatives in marine environments and port waters and on a multitude of surfaces:

  • Ground
  • Subsoil
  • Marine environments
  • Port waters
  • Sandy areas
  • Rocky areas
  • Any area or surface on which a minimum amount of free oxygen is available.

In addition

In order to neutralize odors it can be used in:

  • Organic sludge
  • Odors of sewage treatment plants, sewage, wastewater treatment plants, recycling plants
  • Bed of rivers, swamps and ponds
  • Sewers, leachates, urban organic waste, etc.

Nature's solution


Decontamination through Bioremediation